The only way to get a bug resolved is to pay MS (i.e. support contract) to
do so, and to provide a business case. The second can be hard to achieve,
even for blatant security bugs, and even then MS might decide not to fix it.
For example, it took me, our management and our local account manager some 9
months of fighting to get MS to agree to resolve a triple of security
problems, now finally resolved as KB899900, KB908209 and KB911149. The
result was a 12 month delay in our project - and eventual cancellation. We
finally got it resolved, but only for W2K3 SP1 and WXP SP1/2. The problem
exists in all versions of W2K, WXP and W2K3. The KB articles also fail to
indicate how the defect can be used to break into a system (and no I won't
state the details here as I don't want to make it too easy for lurking
Post by c0ldfyr3
So this request is six years old now and NO updates? This bug has been a
thorn in my side for a long time and your answer is to just close the VB IDE
and re-open it?
Thats ridiculous.