2007-01-04 14:16:20 UTC
I hope that I can get some help on this subject. I've been searching
the internet for 3 days trying to figure out the solution to this
Error: 7 Out of Memory error and nothing I have found works.
I developed the VB6 SP6 desktop application in Windows XP Pro, SP 2.
My PC is a P4 2.79 GHz with 2 GB RAM. It is an MDI application and
I'm using a language DLL that I created myself.
Several other people in my company are trying to run this Demo/Test
application, and are getting this error, and others do not get this
error. They are all running the same version of Windows XP as I am and
all have about 504 MB of RAM.
Here is a code snippet from the beginning of my program
Global COMStatus As frmCOMStatus
Public Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo closefile
'' testcode
strErrorLogFile = App.Path & "\error.log"
intErrorLog = FreeFile
Open strErrorLogFile For Output Access Write As intErrorLog
'' testcode
'' Read any registry stuff here that should be read
'' Initialize any system global variables here
' figure out what ports are available
' Initialize the Port Control array.
intLanguage = ENGLISH
' end testcode
Call InitLanguage
bolEvaluation = True
Load frmSplash
DelayEvents (500)
Sleep (3000)
Call ConfigurePorts
Load mdiFullDemo
'' testcode
Set DataControls = New frmDataControls
Print #intErrorLog, "Pre COMStatus"
'' testcode
' Load the COM Status Form
Load COMStatus
As you can see I have added test messages written to a log file so I
can see where I get to. I hit the Load ComStatus, but it never
actually gets into the Form Load routine of the ComStatus child form,
because I have another test message in there as the first thing, and it
never gets written into the log file.
I am not using FM20.dll, I am not using any rich text edit boxes, and I
am not using any bound controls. I know it's not the over 512 MB of
memory problem, because the PCs this is happening on all have less than
that, but have more than enough resources left to run my small
application. The language DLL can't be the problem, because it's
created and loaded as well as used before the Load ComStatus (that's
the call to InitLanguage).
Any other information I can give that will help someone help me
troubleshoot this problem, I will be happy to provide.
Thanks in advance.
the internet for 3 days trying to figure out the solution to this
Error: 7 Out of Memory error and nothing I have found works.
I developed the VB6 SP6 desktop application in Windows XP Pro, SP 2.
My PC is a P4 2.79 GHz with 2 GB RAM. It is an MDI application and
I'm using a language DLL that I created myself.
Several other people in my company are trying to run this Demo/Test
application, and are getting this error, and others do not get this
error. They are all running the same version of Windows XP as I am and
all have about 504 MB of RAM.
Here is a code snippet from the beginning of my program
Global COMStatus As frmCOMStatus
Public Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo closefile
'' testcode
strErrorLogFile = App.Path & "\error.log"
intErrorLog = FreeFile
Open strErrorLogFile For Output Access Write As intErrorLog
'' testcode
'' Read any registry stuff here that should be read
'' Initialize any system global variables here
' figure out what ports are available
' Initialize the Port Control array.
intLanguage = ENGLISH
' end testcode
Call InitLanguage
bolEvaluation = True
Load frmSplash
DelayEvents (500)
Sleep (3000)
Call ConfigurePorts
Load mdiFullDemo
'' testcode
Set DataControls = New frmDataControls
Print #intErrorLog, "Pre COMStatus"
'' testcode
' Load the COM Status Form
Load COMStatus
As you can see I have added test messages written to a log file so I
can see where I get to. I hit the Load ComStatus, but it never
actually gets into the Form Load routine of the ComStatus child form,
because I have another test message in there as the first thing, and it
never gets written into the log file.
I am not using FM20.dll, I am not using any rich text edit boxes, and I
am not using any bound controls. I know it's not the over 512 MB of
memory problem, because the PCs this is happening on all have less than
that, but have more than enough resources left to run my small
application. The language DLL can't be the problem, because it's
created and loaded as well as used before the Load ComStatus (that's
the call to InitLanguage).
Any other information I can give that will help someone help me
troubleshoot this problem, I will be happy to provide.
Thanks in advance.